ago|键盘侠|赢球会还是得开 各路球迷给库里会诊

键盘侠|赢球会还是得开 各路球迷给库里会诊
ago|键盘侠|赢球会还是得开 各路球迷给库里会诊

[Post Game Thread] The Golden State Warriors (34-13) defeat the Utah Jazz (30-17), 94 – 92
[赛后贴] 金州勇士(34胜13负)94-92击败犹他爵士(30胜17负)
爵士(30-17):博格达诺维奇21分8篮板 , 戈贝尔12分18篮板3助攻 , 康利9分4篮板2助攻 , 英格尔斯10分5助攻 , 盖伊16分5篮板 , 弗雷斯特9分3篮板4抢断 , 克拉克森9分3篮板4助攻 。
勇士(34-13):库里13分4篮板6助攻 , 普尔20分3篮板2助攻 , 维金斯14分5篮板 , 波特13分8篮板 , 李12分2篮板 , 卢尼10分6篮板 , 别利察6分4篮板4助攻 , 佩顿6分5篮板 。
[–]WarriorsCtG526 364 points 3 hours ago
Both teams really tried their hardest to lose this game
勇士球迷:两支球队都使出了吃奶的劲 , 争着输球
[–]Sunssylvestersquad 110 points 3 hours ago
That was a disgusting 4th quarter lmao
[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 27 points 3 hours ago*
28 combined 4th quarter points.
Utah scored 11 points in the first 4 minutes of the 4th and scored 6 the rest of the way.
Golden State scored 11 in the entire 4th.
勇士球迷:第4节两队总共得了28分 。 爵士第4节前4分钟得到11分 , 剩余时间得了6分 。 勇士整个第4节只得了11分 , 我去
[–]WarriorsCtG526 151 points 3 hours ago
100%. I can&apost wait for Draymond, Klay, and Steph to come back
勇士球迷:100% 。 实在等不及看到追梦和水花合体了
[–][GSW] Stephen Currysergechewbacca 169 points 3 hours ago
Curry did his best to lose this game.
[–][HOU] Kevin Porter JrFew_Mulberry7175 1028 points 3 hours ago
“Just a bad night he will be fine next game”
I said after the Phoenix game two months ago :(
火箭球迷:“就是一个糟糕的晚上而已 , 他下一场就会好的” 。 两个月前打太阳的比赛过后我如是说:(
ago|键盘侠|赢球会还是得开 各路球迷给库里会诊

[–]Ambitious-Set1308 732 points 4 hours ago
Crazy to think the warriors are winning games with him being this bad.
球迷:库里表现如此低迷 , 勇士还能赢球 , 太疯狂了
[–]Celticstrelos6 403 points 4 hours ago
Thinking basketball pod talked about this. Defences are still guarding him like he makes it. So the game is easier for his teammates.
凯尔特人球迷:Thinking Basketball有一期节目讨论过这一点 。 库里再铁 , 对手对他的防守也和之前没有两样 , 所以只要他在场 , 比赛对他的队友来说都要更容易一些
[–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 336 points 3 hours ago
The first month of his slump was really more of reckless shooting (probably had something to do with the record).
This month of January he’s shown a lot of hesitance in his shots, quite unusual from him.
勇士球迷:第一个月的低迷更多的是因为不顾后果的投篮(可能与冲击纪录有关) 。 1月份的库里则是在投篮时有很多犹豫 , 与往日的他截然不同 。
[–][GSW] Andre Iguodalaoh_what_a_shot 192 points 3 hours ago
He&aposs shooting too many 3s. I know at the beginning of the season they said they wanted him shooting more, but it&aposs becoming painful to watch. His driving and midrange were fine this game but he kept chucking it from beyond the arc
勇士球迷:他投太多三分了 。 我知道在赛季初的时候 , 人们都说让库里放开抡 , 可现在看他这么抡实在是很痛苦 。 这场比赛 , 他的突破和中距离表现不错 , 可他却执着于在三分线外打铁

