
如何使用“超能力”解决SAT询证题?看到问题的瞬间……真的是太巧了!我们刚出了一篇同题的文章,在文章里对询证题进行了很详细的分析,这里就摘录其中的部分文字分享给题主,希望可以帮到你!在营长看来,所谓“超能力”,都是“自信+策略+毅力”共同作用的结果,而任何看似疑难的任务,包括留学考试在内,都需要“策略”,营长要分享策略如下:? 先把整体拆解(which our teachers have done for you)? 重新在头脑中按照便于处理的模式分组(which our teachers have done for you)? 创造分组中的线索关联(which our teachers have done for you)? 掌握关联策略并提取使用(You've got to do something by yourself, right? Go practice!)? 得到答案(Last but not the least.)接下来说说题主提出得主角儿,询证题(一道听起来最像推理比赛的题目),做好询证题需要启动的能力有:词汇,语法,基本逻辑辨识,同义改写辨识,文章结构辨识,段落逻辑辨识,句间逻辑辨识,倾向词辨识,感情色彩辨识,高级逻辑推断和感情色彩辨识 。不要被这么多能力吓到哦!不要害怕,这些能力都是综合运用的,就像每次微笑都要牵动连上200多块肌肉,谁也没见紧张过是吧,只要融会贯通就好 。要说明的一点是,在乐听的教研体系中,SAT阅读的询证题不仅仅包括试卷上的上下互联题目,也包括单独的,就文章的细节或结论的出处、原因等提问的题目 。这样划分的原理就是上面提到的能力种类——运用同样能力种类来解答的题目,我们都视为同类题目 。举个例子可能更容易理解一些,比如下面这篇文章:Knowing your own reputation can be surprisingly difficult. Consider, for instance, a study that analyzed a set of published experiments all sharing the same Line basic design. In these experiments, people working in a group would be asked to predict how the other group members would rate them on a series of different traits. Researchers then compared these predicted ratings to the other group members’ actual ratings on the very same traits. The traits varied from one experiment to another and included qualities like intelligence, sense of humor, consideration, defensiveness, friendliness, and leadership ability. The groups varied in familiarity, with the members of some groups being fairly unfamiliar with one another (such as havin

