
我是一名高二学生 , 学习成绩很烂 , 现在很想把成绩提上去 , 有什么快捷的方法?No.少壮不努力 , 老大徒伤悲 。A lazy youth, a lousy age.春不播 , 秋不收 。Sow nothing, reap nothing.读书和不读书的人 ,  过得是不同的人生 。你读的书就是你进步的阶梯 ,  你偷的懒就是你沉沦的泥潭 。【punishing】The book you read is the ladder of your progress, and the laziness you steal is the mire of your downfall. 不能忍受读书之苦的人 , 将来一定要承受生活之苦 。这个社会在惩罚不读书的人 。Those who can't stand the hardships of reading will also suffer the hardships of life in the future. The society is punishing those who don't read.知识改变命运 。好好读书 , 在将来你会遇见更好的自己 。不读书 , 你凭什么过上想要的生活?Knowledge changes destiny. Read well books, you will meet the best yourself in the future.Why do you live the life you want without reading?rr快捷的方法没有 , 只有脚踏实地埋头苦干才可能把成绩提上去哦!现在刚刚升入高三 , 每门课都进入了复习阶段 , 基本上都是从高一知识开始复习 , 根据每门功课老师的安排 , 你只要踏踏实实地学 , 就一定会大有进步!加油!

