晚安好梦暖心治愈系语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

晚安好梦暖心治愈系语录 治愈暖心晚安句子

生活就是有突如其来的失去,也有不期而遇的惊喜 。别失去希望,晚安,好梦!
Life is a sudden loss and unexpected surprise. Don't lose hope, good night, good dream!
The process of shaping yourself is very painful, but in the end you can gain a better self, good night, good dream!
如果这世界上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字 。晚安,好梦!
【晚安好梦暖心治愈系语录 治愈暖心晚安句子】If there is a miracle in this world, it is just another name of hard work. Good night, good dream!
人生的黑夜也没什么不好,愈是黑暗的晚上,月亮和星星就愈是美丽了 。晚安,好梦!
There is nothing wrong with the night of life. The darker the night is, the more beautiful the moon and stars will be. Good night, good dream!
需要一次恰到好处的微醺和一次明目张胆的心动 。祝你今晚能找到一次小鹿乱撞的感觉 。晚安,好梦!
Need a proper tipsy and a blatant heartbeat. I wish you can find the feeling of a deer crash tonight. Good night, good dream!
第一个青春是上帝给的;第二个青春是靠自己努力的,好好休息,明天继续奋斗 。晚安,好梦!
The first youth is given by God; The second youth depends on one's own efforts. Have a good rest and continue to struggle tomorrow. Good night, good dream!
岁月很长,人海茫茫,别回头也别将就,自然会有人来爱你 。晚安,好梦!
The years are long and the sea of people is boundless. Don't look back and don't make do with it. Naturally, someone will love you. Good night, good dream!


