Solar RRL--界面能带结构及移动离子对界面复合的影响

【Solar RRL--界面能带结构及移动离子对界面复合的影响】

Solar RRL--界面能带结构及移动离子对界面复合的影响

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钙钛矿太阳能电池 (PSC) 性能的一个关键限制是钙钛矿-传输层 (TL) 界面处的电子特性欠佳 , 这会导致寄生非辐射复合 。界面复合取决于复合活性缺陷的浓度 , 但由于复合需要电子和空穴 , 钙钛矿-TL异质结处电荷积累的大小和符号也很关键 。在这里 , 作者采用了一个完善的 PSC 离子-电子漂移扩散数值模型来说明传输层的功函数如何是决定钙钛矿界面处总复合活性的重要因素 。研究表明 , 由两种材料之间的功函数差异决定的钙钛矿-TL异质结的平衡静电可以导致任何给定浓度的界面缺陷的复合率增加 。作为案例研究 , 作者将包含 NiOX 空穴传输层的 PSC 与具有Spiro-OMeTAD 的 PSC 进行比较 。结果表明 , NiOX 的功函数可以在钙钛矿-NiOX 界面处诱导更大的电子积累 , 从而导致界面复合增加 。最后 , 通过置换 TL 界面处累积的电子或空穴 , 发现更高的离子浓度有利于整体器件性能 , 从而降低复合率 。


Figure 1. The influence of a) band alignment and b) ion concentration on electron accumulation at the HTL/perovskite interface with fixed perovskite work function (WF). The schematic inset in (a) displays the band alignment at the HTL/perovskite interface.

Figure 2. a) Power loss due to energy barrier in devices with zero interface defects, b) change in power loss due to interface recombination, and c) corresponding change in VOC loss due to interface recombination in devices with medium level of interface defects of 108?cm?2 on both sides.
Figure 3. a) Voc and c) the recombination current on HTL side with unpassivated HTL and passivated ETL and b) Voc and d) the recombination current on ETL side with unpassivated ETL and passivated HTL (both recombination currents have been calculated from Voc simulation).

Figure 5. a) Schematic of VOC and QFLS, b) internal versus terminal voltage, and c) recombination current on the HTL side, for a condition with medium defect levels of 108?cm?2 on both interfaces.

