外贸人怎么给客户发祝福和放假通知邮件 外贸节假日祝福邮件

外贸人怎么给客户发祝福和放假通知邮件 外贸节假日祝福邮件


但值得一提的是,对于国外买家而言,有的国家是过春节的,但是大多数西方国家是不过春节的 。那么对于过春节的客户,我们该如何发祝福邮件?对于不过春节的客户,我们如何告知他们休假安排?下面给大家分享一些干货,希望能帮助到你 。




① 有下单意向但还在犹豫的客户
Wish you have a nice day.

Chinese New Year is around the corner, we have a holiday from the * to *.
Is your order urgent? When do you expect to receive the goods? Since the factory is closed during the holiday, we’d like to help you plan the time in advance if your order is urgent.
And I have to inform you that the price of raw materials is rising now, and I am not sure what the price will be after the holiday, so can you pay the deposit first to lock the order? We will purchase raw materials at current prices so that we will not be threatened by rising raw material prices.
We look forward to discussing more with you and waiting for your reply.

春节即将到来,我们的假期从*号到*号 。
您的订单紧急吗?您希望什么时间能收到货?因为工厂在放假期间不工作,所以如果您的订单紧急的话,我们要提前帮您计划时间 。
另外,不得不跟您说明一点,就是目前原料在涨价,不确定假期过后是什么价格,所以您是不是可以先付定金锁定订单?我们也将按现在的价格购买原料,这样就不会受到原价价格上涨的威胁 。
我们期待与您讨论更多,等待您的回信 。

② 不确定有没有订单意向的客户
面对不知道有没有订单意向的客户,可以用这个邮件先试探一下 。

Hi [name],
Hope everything is going well.
【外贸人怎么给客户发祝福和放假通知邮件 外贸节假日祝福邮件】We are coming to the Chinese New Year holiday from [Feb 1th to 6th, 2022]. During this period of time, the factory is closed.
If you have any order arrangement, whether it is now or after the holiday, we hope you can communicate with us as soon as possible. Because the orders during the holiday will be piled up after the holiday, in order to smooth your order, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange.
Thank you.

我们即将迎来春节假期,从2月1日到2月6日 。这段时间,工厂是停工的,如果您有订单安排,不管是现在的,还是假期后的,都希望您早点与我们沟通 。因为假期期间的订单都会堆积到假期后,为了你的订单顺利,请您早点联系我们安排 。谢谢 。

利用春节这个时机,送上一个大方得体的春节祝福 。那么,在什么时候发给客户比较合适呢?对于那些正在跟进的客户,一般是在放假的前5-7天发比较好,可以先确认一下跟进进度,然后商量一下假期期间的工作安排;对于那些没有跟进的客户,可以提前1-2天发就可以了,为大家提供了邮件模板:
Dear *,
Happy New Year! Sincerely thank you for your support all the times. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the coming year. All the best wishes for you and your family.
In the coming days, we will continue to provide you the best quality products and good service. I believe that we will have more cooperation chances in the future.

