中国是唯一延续至今的文明古国吗 中国真的是唯一一个延续至今的古文明吗( 五 )

It is the only surviving hieroglyphic language system. Each character has its own meaning. Using the same words can create a new language system.
它是唯一幸存的象形文字语言系统 。每个字符都有其含义,用相同的文字可以创造出全新的语言系统 。
In Contemporary Chinese, most new words are created according to the meaning of Chinese characters, although some are foreign words directly corresponding to the pronunciation of English or Japanese.
在当代汉语中,大多数新词语都是根据汉字的意思创造的,尽管有些是直接对应于英语或日语发音的外来词语 。
At the political level, after the collapse of the Han / Tang Empire, many small kingdoms throughout the continent still use the same written language. In contrast, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, people who spoke different dialects turned Latin into different languages, such as English, Sanskrit, Spanish, Italian, German and so on.
在政治层面上,汉/唐帝国崩溃后,整个大陆的许多小王国仍然使用相同的书面语言 。相比之下,罗马帝国崩溃后,讲不同方言的人将拉丁语演变成不同的语言,诸如英语、梵语、西班牙语、意大利语、德语等 。
The advantage of this is that you have the opportunity to create a new and dynamic culture. The disadvantage is that past cultural achievements can easily be buried. People who once belonged to the same empire are separated because of language variation.
这样做的好处是你有机会创造一种全新的充满活力的文化,缺点是过去的文化成就很容易被埋葬,曾经属于同一个帝国的人因为语言的变异而分离了 。
Our culture once spread widely in East Asia. The most important reason is that China was once the richest and most advanced civilization in East Asia.
我们的文化曾经在东亚广泛传播 。最重要的原因是,华夏曾经是东亚最富有、最先进的文明 。
Although some ethnic minorities have been forcibly assimilated by the ruling forces, in such an environment, nomads have no choice but to learn to manage or trade.
尽管一些少数民族已经被统治势力强行同化,在这样的环境中,游牧民族别无选择,只有学习才能管理或交易 。
We are proud that even a teenager can resonate with ancient Chinese poets who lived thousands of years ago, write ancient poetry and understand the thoughts of ancient philosophers.
我们感到自豪,因为即使是一个青少年也能与生活在数千年前的中国古代诗人产生共鸣,能够书写古体诗,能够理解古代哲学家的思想 。
This does not mean that we still adhere to the ancient philosophy, but we have benefited a lot from it. Our written language continues to develop and social norms continue to evolve, which gives us extremely strong confidence in the difficult process of realizing modernization.
这并不意味着我们仍旧坚持古老的哲学理念,但我们从中受益匪浅,我们的书面语言不断发展,社会规范不断进化,这给了我们在实现现代化的艰难历程中以无比强烈的信心 。
【中国是唯一延续至今的文明古国吗 中国真的是唯一一个延续至今的古文明吗】

