学习形容词的比较级 形容词及比较级( 四 )

We have a different system for numbering the floors in a building. It should be very easy.
我们有一套不同的大楼楼层编号系统 。本应该很简单的 。
The ground floor is the first floor and the next floor is the second floor. But for us, the next floor can be the first floor.
【学习形容词的比较级 形容词及比较级】“底层”就是一楼,那么下一层就是二楼 。但对我们来说,下一层可以是一楼啊 。
We're much more logical in the US. We're logical too, but the ground floor can be zero.
我们美国的用法更符合逻辑 。我们也很符合逻辑,但是底层可以是零层啊 。
It's a different logic. And speaking of elevators, which you call lifts… ?
逻辑不同罢了 。说到电梯,你们管电梯叫升降机?
Yeah, lifts or elevators. Another thing that surprised me was elevators in the London subways.
对,升降机还是电梯 。另一件让我吃惊的事情是伦敦地铁里的电梯 。
He means the Underground — or Tube. The Tube was like the New York or Philadelphia subway, but a lot cleaner and quieter, and the escalators were really long.
他指的是地下铁 。地铁就像纽约或费城的地铁,但要干净得多,安静得多,而且自动扶梯也很长 。
The trains are far deeper underground than in the States. Way deeper.
这里的地铁比美国的要深得多 。深得多得多 。
When we were at Covent Garden, we had a choice, the stairs or the elevator. But then we heard there were 193 steps.
当我们在考文特花园时,我们面临一个选择,走楼梯还是坐电梯 。但后来我们听说有193级台阶 。
That's about 16 stories! We chose the elevator!
Sometimes you'll want to add emphasis when you're making comparisons. With a normal adjective you could say 'very' — very easy, very interesting.
有时在做比较的时候,你会想要强调一下 。用一个普通的形容词你可以说“非常”——非常简单,非常有趣 。
But with comparative adjectives it's different. We use the word much, so much easier, much more interesting.
但是形容词的比较级就不一样了 。我们使用 much 这个词,简单得多,有趣得多 。
We can also say 'far', ' a lot', and if you're speaking informally, 'way'. And if you want to minimize the difference, you can say 'a little'.
我们还可以用 far,a lot,如果你是在非正式场合说,还可以用 way 。如果你想把区别降到最低,你可以说“一点点” 。
I love the signs in England. It's funny to see signs saying 'toilets' everywhere.
我喜欢英国的标志牌 。看到到处都有写着“厕所”的牌子很有意思 。
So if you wanted to find a toilet what would you say? 'Where's the restroom? ' or 'Where's the men's room? '
I'd say 'Where's the toilet'? You're more direct than me.
我会说‘厕所在哪儿’?你比我更直接 。
It's just what we say. And we went to the theater and our seats were in the 'stalls'.
我们就是这么说的 。我们去剧院,我们的座位在“正厅前座” 。
Yeah, we sat downstairs in front of the stage — the stalls. We call that part of the theater the orchestra.
是的,我们坐在舞台前面的下方——正厅前排 。我们把剧院的那个部分叫做管弦乐队演奏处 。
We have an orchestra pit in English theatres. But it's literally where the orchestra sits.
在英国,剧院里会有乐队席 。但那个地方实际上就是管弦乐队演奏的地方 。
The audience sits in front in the stalls. For me, stalls are the partitions in a restroom that separate the toilets.
观众坐在正厅前排 。对我来说,“隔间”这个单词就是洗手间里分隔厕所的隔板区 。

