学习形容词的比较级 形容词及比较级( 五 )

Stalls has that meaning for us too. But now you've learnt a new meaning of the word.
stalls 对我们来说也有这样的意思 。但是现在你已经学会了这个单词的新意思 。
My English is getting better and better. But stalls don't sound like good theatre seats to me.
我的英语越来越好了 。但是对我来说,正厅前座听起来不像剧院里的好座位 。~eudic
Your favourite sign was at Heathrow Airport. Oh yeah.
你最喜欢的标志是在希思罗机场 。噢,是的 。
If your flight is departing from B or C gates, please board the next available train from either platform. The first stop will be for all B gates and the second stop will be for all C gates.
如果您的航班在 B 或 C 登机口起飞,请在任意站台搭乘下一班列车 。第一站为所有 B 登机口的乘客,第二站为所有 C 登机口的乘客 。
The tech is getting more and more advanced. Her eyes seemed to follow me as I moved around.
技术越来越先进了 。她的眼睛似乎会跟着我移动 。
But the funniest signs were in the subways — the exit signs that tell you how to get out. You loved them.
但最有意思的标志在地铁里——出口指示牌会告诉你怎么出去 。你很喜欢这些指示 。
Yeah. They made me think of hippies in the 1960s.
是的 。它们让我想起了上世纪六十年代的嬉皮士 。
When something was cool they'd say it was 'far out' or 'way out'. It's far out man!
当什么东西很酷的时候,他们会说它“真特别”或者“真不一般” 。太帅了吧,朋友!
Way out there! Here's a cool structure you can use to make comparisons.
无敌了!这个结构很好用,你可以用它来进行比较 。
You double up and use two comparatives in one sentence. We often do this to say things are changing.
在一个句子中使用两个比较级 。我们经常这样用,以表示事情正在发生变化 。
Let's finish with the most common mistakes students make with comparatives. We use the word 'than' after the comparative adjective when we want to show what we're comparing something with.
最后让我们来看看学生们在使用比较词时最常犯的错误 。当我们想要表示我们在比较某物时,我们在形容词的比较级后面使用 than 。
Sometimes students say 'as' here. But that's wrong.
有时学生在这里会说 as 。但这是错的 。
Also, notice the word 'me' in this sentence. We don't say I.
还有,注意这个句子中的单词“me” 。我们不用 I 。
We use the object form of the personal pronoun so — than me, than him, than her, than us, than them. And the other common mistake is to use -er when you should say more and vice versa.
我们用人称代词的宾语形式所以是——比我,比他,比她,比我们,比他们 。、另一个常见的错误是当你应该说 more 时却加了-er,反之亦然 。
Remember short adjectives: add -er. Long ones: use more.
记住,简短的形容词:加-er 。长的形容词:用more 。~eudic
And finally, sometimes students use both -er and more and that doesn't work either. And that's it for comparatives!
最后,有时学生们会同时使用加 -er 和 more,这也不对 。好了,比较级就讲到这里!
I just have one final question. Did you like England, Jay?
我还有最后一个问题 。你喜欢英国吗,杰?
Oh yeah, the more I go there, the more I like it. We also went to Spain on holiday and we're going to make another video about that.
哦,喜欢,我去的次数越多,我就越喜欢那里 。我们还去了西班牙度假,我们将制作另一期关于西班牙的视频 。
So make sure you subscribe to our channel and click the notification bell so you don't miss it. Bye-bye everyone.
所以一定要订阅我们的频道,点击通知铃,这样你就不会错过更新了 。大家再见 。

