说英语的样子太可爱了 样子十分可爱英文

说英语的样子太可爱了 样子十分可爱英文


2021年5月22日,是全国人民的mourning day(注意不是morning,而是mourning day——哀悼日)

“杂交水稻之父”、中国工程院院士、“共和国勋章”获得者——袁隆平院士,因多器官功能衰竭在长沙逝世,享年91岁 。

mourn:[m??n] 哀悼,忧伤
mourn someone 哀悼某人
mourn for someone/something (因失去…而)哀悼,忧伤

China mourns a beloved scientist who saved millions from hunger.
全体中国人都在哀悼一位广受敬爱的科学家,是他救百万人于饥饿 。

举国皆哀!伤痛万分!“国士无双”响彻神州大地 。

袁隆平院士去世的消息也在全世界刷屏,美联社日本经济新闻等均报道了此消息 。

路透社:Yuan Longping, the man who helped feed China, dies at 91.

美联社:China’s Yuan Longping dies;rice research helped feed

《纽约时报》:Yuan Longping, plant scientist who helped curb famine, dies at 90.

《南华早报》:China's "father of hybrid rice" Yuan Longping dies at 90.

袁隆平1930年9月7日出生于北京,祖籍江西 。

他是我国研究与发展杂交水稻的开创者,也是世界上第一个成功利用水稻杂种优势的科学家,被誉为“杂交水稻之父”(Father of hybrid rice) 。

Yuan Longping, born in September 1930, helped China work a great wonder — feeding nearly one-fifth of the world's population with less than 9 percent of the world's total land.
袁隆平生于1930年9月,他帮助中国创造了一个伟大的奇迹——用占不到世界土地总面积9%的土地,养活了世界近五分之一的人口 。

He cultivated the world's first high-yielding hybrid rice strain in 1973, which was later grown on a large scale in China and other countries to substantially raise output.
他在1973年培育出世界上第一个高产杂交水稻,之后全国乃至世界其他国家大面积推广应用,使水稻的单产和总产得以大幅度提高 。

1953年,袁隆平从西南农学院(现西南大学)毕业后开始在湖南省安江农校任教,研究红薯、西红柿的育种栽培 。

“As I grew older, the desire became stronger, and agronomy became my life’s vocation,” he wrote in his memoir.

After graduating in 1953, Mr. Yuan took a job as a teacher at an agricultural college in Hunan Province, keeping up his interest in crop genetics.
1953年,袁隆平毕业之后,在湖南省一所农校当老师,并一直保持着对作物遗传学的兴趣 。

30岁那年,他触动于人们吃不饱的现实,被深深刺痛后,决意投身杂交水稻研究 。

“Famished, you would eat whatever there was to eat, even grass roots and tree bark,” Mr. Yuan recalled in his memoir.
袁隆平在他的回忆录中这样写道:“饥肠辘辘,有什么吃什么,哪怕是草根和树皮 。”

“At that time I became even more determined to solve the problem of how to increase food production so that ordinary people would not starve.”

