那些美国队长的经典台词 美国队长里的经典台词

那些美国队长的经典台词 美国队长里的经典台词

1.I don't want to killanyone . I don't
like bulies ; I don't care where they are from .
我不杀生,不喜欢恶霸,也不在乎他们他们来自哪里 。
2.Whatever happens tomorrow you must promise me one thing . That you will stay who you are . Not a perfect soldier , but a good man .
无论明天发生什么,答应我一件事情:坚持做你自己,一个好人,而不是一个好兵 。
3.I'm loyal to nothing except thedream .我只忠于我的梦想 。
4.It's tempting to want to live in the past . It's familiar . It's comfortable . But it 's where fossils come from .
活在过去是一件很诱人的事,因为它既熟悉又舒适 。但是化石就是这么来的 。
5.As long as one man stands against you,you'll never be able to claim victory
只要有一个人与你为敌,你就不可能胜利 。
6.I can't control their fear, only my own.
我控制不了他人的恐惧,我只能控制自己的恐惧 。
【那些美国队长的经典台词 美国队长里的经典台词】

