一些水果的英文怎么写 一些水果的英语怎么写

一些水果的英文怎么写 一些水果的英语怎么写

一些水果的英文是some fruit也可以是some fruits,具体用fruit还是fruits要看情况, 比如,下面两个句子都对 。
例1: I have listed some fruits with health benefits.
例2:There is some fruit on the plate.
例1中的fruit是不同种类的水果,复数为fruits 。
例2中的fruit 泛指水果,为不可数名词 。
I want to buy some fruit.
我想要买点水果 。
I like fruit.
我喜欢水果 。
I like many fruits and apples are my favorite.
很多(种类的)水果我都喜欢,最喜欢的是苹果 。
Here is a list of five fruits with health benefits.
这里列出了五种水果以及它们对健康的好处 。
Can you name a fruit that grows in bunches on vines?
【一些水果的英文怎么写 一些水果的英语怎么写】你能说出一种长在藤上结成串的水果吗?
Can you name three fruits that are small but very sweet?
We can cook fruit with sugar to make fruit jam.
我们可以用糖和水果制作果酱 。
(没说用什么具体的水果,只是泛泛的指水果 。)
Generally speaking, raw fruit contains the most nutrients because some nutrients are reduced during cooking.
一般来说,水果生吃营养最多,烹调会减少一部分营养 。
How much fruit one should eat each day to keep healthy?
Oranges are my favorite fruit.
桔子是我最喜欢吃的水果 。
(桔子是具体的水果,因为就这一种水果,所以用了单数fruit 。)
Oranges and apples are my favorite fruits.
桔子是我最喜欢吃的水果 。
Please provide me with a list of fruits that start with A.
列出以A开头的水果 。(指种类)
Fresh fruit and vegetables are thought to be more nutrient dense than preserved ones.
集合名词,泛称,不可数 。
单复数的规律学会了,在运用的时候还是有分不清的时候 。平时多读原汁原味的英文,留心其中是如何运用单复数的,从而来巩固或者纠正自己在单复数运用中出现的问题 。

